
Welcome to the vibrant world of YAMES, where hand-painted signs come to life and murals tell stories. This talented Buffalo native has been making waves in the art scene, leaving his colorful mark on businesses all over the city. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at YAMES’s journey as a multidisciplinary graphic artist and his contributions to the Public Art Initiative.

A Multidisciplinary Artist

YAMES’s artistic journey started at Pratt Institute, where he honed his skills in various disciplines. From typography to illustration, there’s no limit to his creativity. But it’s his passion for hand-painted signs that truly sets him apart. With a keen eye for detail and a steady hand, YAMES brings life to businesses through his unique and vibrant signage.

His work can be seen all over Buffalo, from the trendy Hydraulic Hearth to the buzzing Sato Brewpub. But it’s not just the businesses that benefit from his artistry. Larkin Square and National Grid’s Terminal Station B have also been transformed into colorful masterpieces, thanks to YAMES’s talent.

A First with the Public Art Initiative

Although YAMES has been involved in various projects for the Public Art Initiative, his upcoming mural will be his first as the lead artist. This exciting opportunity allows him to showcase his skills on an even larger scale and leave a lasting impact on the community. With his signature style and passion for storytelling, there’s no doubt this mural will capture the hearts of both locals and visitors alike.

YAMES’s involvement in the Public Art Initiative goes beyond painting murals. He has been a valuable collaborator, bringing his expertise and artistic vision to numerous projects. His dedication to enhancing the city’s aesthetic appeal is truly commendable.


Buffalo is fortunate to have an artist like YAMES, whose colorful creations breathe life into the city’s streets. Whether it’s a hand-painted sign or a larger-than-life mural, his work never fails to impress. As he embarks on his first mural with the Public Art Initiative, we can’t help but feel excited for the masterpiece that awaits us. Keep an eye out for YAMES’s vibrant creations and let yourself be transported into his colorful world.

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