
Welcome to the vibrant world of YAMES, a Buffalo native and co-founder of Pine Apple Company! With his formal training at Pratt Institute and his passion for graphic art, YAMES has made a name for himself as a multidisciplinary artist specializing in hand-painted signs, typography, illustration, and murals. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at his journey as an artist, his unique style, and some of his notable projects.

The Journey Begins

YAMES’s love for art started at a young age, but it was during his time at Pratt Institute that he truly honed his skills and discovered his passion for graphic art. He immersed himself in various mediums, exploring the intersection of traditional techniques and modern design. Through his dedication and hard work, YAMES developed a distinctive style that seamlessly blends bold colors, intricate details, and playful typography.

Upon returning to Buffalo, YAMES, along with his fellow artists, founded Pine Apple Company—an artist collective and gallery in Buffalo’s vibrant Allentown neighborhood. The collective strives to create a supportive environment for local artists and showcase their talent to the community. YAMES’s contributions to Pine Apple Company have been instrumental in establishing it as a hub for creativity and artistic expression in Buffalo.

Bringing Color and Life to Buffalo

One of YAMES’s notable contributions to the artistic landscape of Buffalo is his hand-painted signs and murals that can be seen throughout the city. From the eye-catching sign at Hydraulic Hearth to the vibrant murals at Sato Brewpub, Larkin Square, and National Grid’s Terminal Station B, YAMES’s art has become an integral part of Buffalo’s urban aesthetic.

His work not only adds a splash of color to the city but also tells a story. Each piece is thoughtfully designed to reflect the identity and values of the businesses it represents. YAMES’s attention to detail and commitment to creating visually captivating artwork have made him a sought-after artist in Buffalo.

Assisting the Public Art Initiative

In addition to his personal projects, YAMES has also played an important role in the Public Art Initiative. He has lent his expertise and creativity to numerous projects, contributing to the beautification of public spaces in Buffalo. Working alongside other talented artists, YAMES has been able to bring art to communities that may not have had access to it otherwise.

Through his participation in the Public Art Initiative, YAMES has not only expanded his portfolio but also fostered connections with fellow artists and community members. His collaborative spirit and willingness to share his knowledge and skills have made a positive impact on Buffalo’s art scene.


YAMES’s journey as a graphic artist is a testament to his talent, passion, and love for Buffalo. From his early days at Pratt Institute to his contributions to the city’s artistic landscape, he has consistently pushed boundaries and brought a unique perspective to his work. As YAMES continues to leave his mark on Buffalo, we can expect even more vibrant and captivating artwork to grace the streets of this creative city.

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